The cow, also known as Kamdhenu, serves as a symbol for all other living creatures in Hinduism. The cow is a symbol of Earth, the compassionate and nourishing provider. Lord Krishna was a cowherd, hence cows are always featured in the Pichwai paintings. The Pichwai art of Rajasthan, in particular, focuses on the incidents that took place in Shri Krishna's life when he was seven years old. The boyhood tales of Shri Krishna are portrayed in these handmade Pichwai paintings. The backdrop of this painting is a lovely shade of yellow. In terms of colour psychology, yellow is associated with sunshine. This stunning wall painting inspires feelings of happiness, optimism, and brightness.
“Ours are genuine paintings handmade by artisans of Udaipur, Rajasthan, India. Kindly be aware of fake digital reproduction and prints being sold online in name of paintings.”